Jazz, Liquor and Bootleggers: America in the Twenties Human life in this world has often seen transitions. These transitions have occurred in every age, in every century. However, the latest transitions, which have been occurring in the twentyfirst have never ever impressed me; rather they have only incited deep sentiments of distaste and contempt in me. The twentieth century was a bit better, but not the best. The nineteen nineties did see some good developments; but it obviously had to be the nineteen twenties which every citizen of post-war America would have loved to live in. Alas, there are very few from that period who are still alive, and most of them are in their late ninetees or hundreds. Yet, their memories are so sharp; after all could anyone forget the days of America's golden age. The Prelude 1918 - 1923 The period of progress and transition which is referred to as the "Roaring Twenties" or the "Jazz Age" had its origins in the optimistic and pr...